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Start a new Book

You have four ways to start a new book:

  • File -> New
  • File -> Open
  • File -> Import TXT
  • File -> Import EPUB

When you New a book, it will create a new chapter and a new aritlce link to this chapter. The Chapter contains chapter name and the articles can be editable.

All of them can establish a new workspace. For further more to know about the last two, you could go to Import TXT or EPUB.

There is a litter different in EPUB properties settings, you could go to Edit EPUB Properties to learn more about them. ■

Import TXT or EPUB

Import TXT will first create a chapter and import all the lines in this chapter. If the lines are over 1000, you’re unable to edit the chapter. (For Detail, please go to Editable)

Import EPUB will keep the EPUB’s chapter structure and convert the HTML pages into the EPUBMaker’s articles. It will also extract the resources(images, audios or videos) to the path:


EPUBMaker has a fast speed to process big data files. You can transfer your TXT over 2MB or EPUB over 20MB(It may take a little more time to convert). ■

Edit EPUB Properties

When you New a new book or Import TXT, it will create a new chapter named “New Chapter” and a new article with nothing. The book properties will also be set a default value:

  • Book Name: Book
  • Author: Author
  • Description: Description
  • Languages: English
  • EPUB version: 3.0
  • Unique Identifier Key: uid
  • Unique Identifier Value: (generated by random, not recommended to modify it)

If you Import EPUB , EPUBMaker will set the EPUB properties to the EPUB’s you provided(if exist). What should be noticed is that EPUBMaker will only set the EPUB properties in the first Import EPUB . If you already have a workspace, it will never overwrite the EPUB properties. ■

Insert Resources

If you want to insert a media resource into an article, you should import this resource into the library first. Click the Edit -> Resources Library or Edit -> Insert Image , Edit -> Insert Audio, Edit -> Insert Video to open the resource library.

How to Import Resources

There are two ways to import resources, the first one is to click Import , and select the resources you want.

The second one is to drag your resources directly into the media library like below:

How to Insert/delete Resources into article

You should first select one of the resources, and then you could select other resources to insert or delete at all.

What is Resource Lock?

Once you insert your resource into article or as the cover images, it will be locked. You can not delete the locked resources until you unlock it.

How to unlock the Resource?

  1. Make sure to remove the resource from all the articles and no reference on it.
  2. Click Refresh Lock it will be done in backend and release the lock resource.
  3. If your resource is still locked, you have to double-check in all the articles and EPUB Properties’ cover image.

Note: Insert Resources is still under testing. When you insert media resources into articles, some issues may occur. ■

Create Chapter

Chapter -> Add Chapter and Chapter -> Insert Chapter are both the ways to create a chapter.

Add Chapter will add a new chapter to the bottom of the chapter list.

For Insert Chapter, it will add a new chapter behind the selected chapter and keep the level of the selected chapter.

For example, There has a Chapter list:

Level 1-1
-- Level 2-1
---- Level 3-1
-- Level 2-2

If I select the Level 2-1 and Add Chapter, the new Chapter List will be

Level 1-1
-- Level 2-1
---- Level 3-1
-- Level 2-2
New Chapter

But if you select the Level 2-1 and Insert Chapter, the new Chapter List will be

Level 1-1
-- Level 2-1
---- Level 3-1
-- New Chapter
-- Level 2-2

Delete Chapter

Chapter -> Delete Chapter can delete the chapter you selected.

Note: Delete a chapter will not delete its children chapters

For example:

Level 1-1
-- Level 2-1
---- Level 3-1
-- Level 2-2

If you delete Level 2-1, the chapter list will be:

Level 1-1
-- Level 3-1
-- Level 2-2

Its children will up their chapter level.

How to choose multiple selections?

You could use Ctl or Alt to help your selection.

When you first choose one chapter, and Ctl + Click another Chapter, both of them will be chosen. If you do the same operation with Alt, it will choose all the chapters between the first chosen chapter and the second chosen chapter.

Use Del to Delete Chapter

You could use Del in your keyboard to Delete Chapter, it will be the same operation as you click Chapter -> Delete Chapter. ■

Merge Chapter

Chapter -> Merge Chapter will merge all the selected chapters into the first selected chapter.

You should pay attention to it because all the selected chapters will be deleted except the first selected chapter.

How to choose multiple selections?

Please see Delete Chapter. ■

Split Chapter

Chapter -> Split Chapter is a useful function that helps you split the long text faster and easier.

There are two ways to split chapter in EPUBMaker, split by patterns and split by lines.

You could get more information about Match Patterns. And we are strongly recommendation to use it.

But if you are unable to match the patterns, you can also split by lines. ■

Sort Chapter

You may have the need to sort and structure your chapter list, So this one could help you.

You can use the Right-Click to open the Right context menu like this:

You could find four operations are related to sort chapter:

  • Up Chapter
  • Down Chapter
  • Up Level
  • Down Level

Up/Down Chapter

The first two operations are used to sort your chapter list.

If you Up Chapter , the selected chapter will move forward to the chapter ahead of it and its children chapters will move together. But If the selected chapter is the first chapter in its level, it will do nothing. The same as Down Chapter. Here we will show you some examples:

Level 1-1
-- Level 2-1
---- Level 3-1
-- Level 2-2
---- Level 3-2
-- Level 2-3

Select the Level 2-2 to Up Chapter:

Level 1-1
-- Level 2-2
---- Level 3-2
-- Level 2-1
---- Level 3-1
-- Level 2-3

If you select the Level 2-1 to Up Chapter, it will do nothing. Because Level 2-1 is the first chapter in its level.

Up/Down Level

The rest two of the operations are used to adjust the level of chapter.

If you Up Level , the selected chapter will up its level and its children chapters will up together. But If the selected chapter is the top level, it will do nothing. The same as Down Level. Here we will show you some examples:

Level 1-1
-- Level 2-1
---- Level 3-1
-- Level 2-2
---- Level 3-2
-- Level 2-3

Select the Level 2-2 to Up Chapter:

Level 1-1
-- Level 2-1
---- Level 3-1
Level 2-2
-- Level 3-2
-- Level 2-3

If you select the Level 1-1 to Up Level, it will do nothing. Because the Level 1-1 is the top level. ■

Rename Chapter

It is easy for you to rename your chapter.

Double Click the chapter you want to rename. You can see the input form for you to type the new chapter name. When you finish your typing, press Enter or click everywhere else. ■

Do Batch Operation

EPUBMaker has some batch operations, some are for chapter list, some are for article editor:

Chapter List

Chapter -> Take First Line as Chapter Name

It will get the first line of each article and rename the chapter name as the first line text.

If the first line is empty, EPUBMaker will continue to find the next line until it gets the non-empty text.

If EPUBMaker is unable to find any text in an article, it will keep the original name of the chapter.

  • Chapter -> Take Chapter Name as First Line

It will add each chapter’s name to the head of its article.

  • Tool -> Delete Blank Chapter

It will delete all the blank chapter. Space is recognized as the blank.

Article Editor

  • Tool -> Reformat

It’s the same as the Edit -> remove format. But you needn’t select all the content of the article. It will directly remove all the formats in the article.

  • Tool -> Remove Blank Line

Blank lines will be removed at once.

  • Tool -> Remove Duplicate Line

It uses the algorithm of Levenshtein-Distance to calculate the similarity between two sentences. To get more information. Please go to Levenshtein Distance.■

Find Logs

When your EPUBMaker is going crash, not responding or not working. Please tell us about these issues. It’s better for you not only describe the issues in the text but also in screenshots or EMDB files / TXT files / EPUB files or any other files related to explain these issues.

We would also welcome the logs from EPUBMaker. You can find it in:


We would appreciate each of your feedbacks and suggestions.

Thank you very much for your help! ■



EMDB is a data structure of EPUBMaker. It can be read as a JSON file.

EMDB contains only book properties, chapters, and articles. Resources will be stored on its path. If you open your EMDB in different systems, resources will be unable to be found.

You can create it by File -> Save a new file and read it through File ->Open.

It’s not recommended to modify it. ■

Match Patterns

There are two ways to Split Chapter in EPUBMaker. One of them is to split by patterns.

The Regex expression will be set up to match every line of the article. Once the regex expression matched, EPUBMaker will create a new Chapter and put all the lines which are ahead of the matched line in it. Then EPUBMaker keeps matching the next lines until the end of this article.

So the match pattern should be accurate.

You could add prefix, number or suffix to compose the regex. For example, if the prefix is Chapter and Section, the number is the roman number I, V, X, the suffix is none and less than 50 words in one line.

Can be matched:

  • Chapter I. one
  • Chapter XII
  • test Section X

Can NOT be matched:

  • Chapter One
  • XI. example
  • Chapter I. a long long long long …(over 50 words) words

How to add or delete prefix/number/suffix

To add words, you could type the word in input and click add icon.

To delete words, you could click the word you want to delete.

Save your configuration

Once save your configuration, you can use it in every language. ■

Levenshtein Distance

Levenshtein Distance is a method aiming at calculate the similarity of two string. It was also referred as Edit distance.

We set the distance percent for 0.95.

The distance percent = 1 - distance / string.length. ■


You could find status in the bottom right corner of the editor.

The editor has 3 different status:

  • Editable
  • Readable
  • Empty

If you choose none of the chapters or even not create a workspace in EPUBMaker, it will show Empty. In this status, you are unable to edit anything.

Editable is the most common status in EPUBMaker. In this status, you could edit the article.

Readable is a for the articles which lines are over 1000. Because it’s hard to edit the articles over 1000 lines. In this status, you could only read the article. If you want to edit it, you could split the chapter first. ■